Reference Guide to Essential Oils :5 Things You Need to Know
Essential oils have become more and more popular in recent years. The benefits of using it outweigh the price. There are so many companies producing high-quality essential oils and even some questionable cheap oils too. In this reference guide to essential oils we will discuss the difference of high quality essential oils with store-bought separately.
What are essential oils? How do we use essential oils? Any essential oil beginner tips? There are 5 things that you need to know about essential oils before (or right after) you purchase your first bottle.
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1. What Essential Oils Should I Start With?
The best way to start your oiling journey is by purchasing the Young Living Premium Starter Kit. The kit consists of 11 essential oils, a diffuser of your choice, 2 Ningxia Red Singles, Thieves Waterless Hand Sanitizer, and a couple of AromaGlide Roller Fitments.
This should be your “first-aid” kit as it has everything you will need as a starter for a high-quality lifestyle, for your health, home, family, and kids. I have discussed this in detail in my article Young Living Must Haves
2. How Do I Use Essential Oils?
Where do you apply essential oils?
Can I put essential oils directly on my skin?
How to dilute essential oil for your baby?
There are 3 ways to use essential oils as recommended by Young Living Essential Oils.
This is the most common way to use essential oils. The diffuser that comes with the starter kit can be used immediately. With just a few drops of the essential oils in water, it will be enough to diffuse for 4-6 hours.
You can also rub 2-3 drops of essential oils between your palms and inhale them to uplift your spirit.
Another way you can try is by adding a few drops of essential oil to a bowl of hot water. Pullover a small towel over your head and the bowl, breathe deeply and slowly.
Applying directly to your skin is another way to get the essential oils to your system faster. Remember to dilute with V-6 vegetable oils or any carrier oils, and do a “patch test” on your skin.
Please bear in mind that different people have different levels of tolerance for essential oils. Some essential oils might be too hot for them, which means you must dilute them before applying.
Always follow the label’s dilution instructions for safe use on your skin.
The essential oils under Vitality or Flavoring label are safe for internal use. However please follow the label’s instructions on the bottle to know the correct amount of oils to ingest.
You can add 1-2 drops of Essential Oil Vitality or Flavoring to a glass of water, mix it with Ningxia Red, yogurt, juice, or any plant-based milk.
Always consult a health professional if you are taking medication, pregnant, nursing, or have a medical condition prior to use.
Young Living Essential Oils are very potent and highly concentrated oils. A couple of drops is all you need each time. Below are some guidelines for your reference.
For Diffusing:
3-5 drops of essential oil is good enough. However, if you plan to mix the essential oils, up to 8 drops in total is enough. You can check out my favorite essential oil blends and recipes here.
For Topical Usage:
Please dilute with V-6 vegetable oils or any carrier oils before applying them to your skin. How to dilute essential oils for kids and babies? This guide can help you out;
For Ingestion:
First of all, this is the least used by oilers around the world. As ingestion can only be done by some essential oils in Vitality or Flavourings range. Always make sure you follow the label instructions on the bottle and make your own research prior to use.
4.How Long Can the Essential Oils Last?
Do you ever wonder how many drops of essential oils in each bottle?
Is there any expiry date for essential oils?
There are no expiry dates for essential oils. However, there is a chance that essential oil might change its property over time.
The best way to keep essential oils is in a cool, dry place. For example, a cupboard or a kitchen cabinet is a good option and must be away from direct sunlight. I keep my essential oils on my custom-made essential oil rack handmade by Fariswoodworks. It is the perfect solution as I can use all of my essential oils on a daily basis and will easy to reach. The reason that the essential oils have to be kept away from direct sunlight is that sunlight can cause them to vaporize in just a couple of months. You don’t want your essential oils to be gone before you get to finish every drop of them. So store your essential oils in a not-so-bright room with a well-regulated temperature, but still accessible such as on a rack.These are the 5 things you need to know before you start using the essential oils. Remember to check out my other articles where I explain in more detail tips and strategies, everything you need to know about essential oils.
To be a part of my Young Living Essential Oils team, do drop me an e-mail. There is no obligation to purchase again or sell the products once you join my team. I am more than happy to guide you and share my knowledge as well.